Top Reasons Why You Need a Lawyer For Your Workers Compensation Claim

Most people frequently talk about dealing with their workers’ compensation case on their own. For some, there could be a simple process, but in reality, it can be a frustrating process as you can’t easily do it on your own and you’ll need guidance from a compensation lawyer or no win no fee lawyer.

Here are the top reasons why you need a lawyer:

In most cases, you will not be entitled to claim workers compensation without filing an employee’s claim petition and seeing a lawyer. In some limited circumstances, a workers’ compensation carrier will pay you a voluntary offer of a deal, but you will only get about one-quarter of the actual worth of your case without having a lawyer. By filing a claim, you are suing your employer and you are just getting your benefits under the law.

1. Only a few know the law and most of them are the lawyers. Technically, you don’t know the law, and you need a lawyer to expand your knowledge about workers’ compensation benefits. This is to maximize the amount of your claim when you got injured during your work shift. If your doctor advises you to keep out of work for more than a week, you are entitled to 70% of your average weekly wage. You may receive less than of the standard percentage if no lawyer is checking up your workers' compensation.

2. Under the law, you are entitled to get all the medical care you need, and it’s essential to ask help from an expert to get all of these. The carrier has the right to dictate medical care and pick your authorized doctor, but they need to provide all the things that your doctor prescribes. If they can’t offer everything that is prescribed, a lawyer can file a motion with the workers’ compensation court to address the issue.

3. You will have future rights in your case if you have officially filed an employee’s claim petition with a lawyer. This includes receiving a settlement for a percentage of partial disability. Generally, it takes about a year to get a settlement once you have completed the treatment. If you don’t file a petition, your claim will be closed two years from the last payment of weekly benefits or the last date of treatment.

4. Some worker’s compensation carriers will tell you and other injured workers that if you sustained a prior condition at work, the injury may not be considered covered under the compensation law. However, this is completely false as a compensation lawyer can fight this denial and will help you get what is entitled to you under the law.

It may be difficult for most of us to find a trusted lawyer. Whether you need a worker’s compensation or no win no fee lawyer, you must be aware of the benefits you can get when hiring one. A reputable lawyer will help you get your workers’ compensation claim without any issues.